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GAMEON $20 Voucher

GAMEON $20 Voucher

Claim Your $20 Voucher

Timezone is giving away a $20 voucher to guests to use for their next in-venue purchase. All you have to do is claim your voucher in your Fun App account, bring it to your nearest Timezone venue and receive $20 off when you make a total purchase of $30 game credit or more.

Don't have a Fun App Account or don't have a voucher in your account? No worries! Download the Timezone Fun App, log in or sign up with your phone and enter the voucher code GAMEON to claim your voucher. Don't forget to complete your profile and you'll be rewarded with an extra $10 game credit voucher.*

Already have the app? Great! Open Fun App here.

Available until Tuesday 30 April 2024.

GAMEON $20 Voucher is finished

GAMEON $20 Voucher is finished!

This GAMEON $20 voucher promotion has ended. Keep an eye on Timezone's promotions page for other exciting promotions and announcements to see what's next!